MAURYAN EMPIRE THE THREE MAIN RULERS OF THE MAURYAN EMPIRE • CHANDRAGUPTA MAURYA •BINDUSAR •ASHOKA / ◦ He was the founder of the Mauryan Empire ◦ His Empire was extended from Bengal in the east to Afghanistan and Baluchistan in the west to the Himalayas in Kashmir in the north and the Deccan Plateau in the south. ◦ his rise to power came with the help of his most trusted Minister and Chief advisor whose name was Chanakya also known as Kautilya. ◦ Chandragupta Maurya overthrew the numbers and established tomorrow in Empire in 321BCE. ◦ is composed of Pataliputra established a strong base for the Maurya Empire. ◦ Chanakya ◦ He was previously a Minister of ...