



  NEW EMPIRES AND KINGDOMS   •          By the end of the third century, the powerful empires established by the Kushanas in the North and the Satavahanas in the Deccan had came to an end. •         Then Guptas ruled for next two centuries on India. SOURCES-Information about the Gupta Period is available from both archaeological and literary sources   •         ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOURCES •         The most important archaeological source is the Allahabad Pillar Inscription. •         Temples, paintings and coins are some other archaeological sources. •         LITERARY SOURCES •         The work of Kalidasa The account of Fa-Hien, Hiuen Tsang, and It-Sing. SAMUDRAGUPTA   •         Son of Chandragupta I, was the greatest ruler. •         Main source- the Allahabad Pillar Inscription or the Prayag Prashasti. •         It lists the region conquered by the king. It also mention the ancestors of the king. •         The Prashasti was composed by Samudragup


CLASS 8                                                                              CH-4  Today we all lead a very comfortable life in the cities with all the facilities available to us but do you know there are some people who still live in forests, known as tribal people. Well in this chapter we will study about some of the tribes of our country and their struggle against the ‘dikus’ which means those who were outsiders for these tribals. Birsa Munda In 1895, a man named Birsa who belonged to Munda tribe started gaining popularity. Many people believed that he had magical powers with which he could cure diseases and multiply grains. He himself declared that god had appointed him to help people and safeguard their interests from dikus. Birsa was born in Munda tribe which is found in Chottanagpur region of Jharkhand but was also famous among other tribes such as santhals and oraons. Why birsa declared that he would help tribals and safeguard them from dikus. Who were these dikus? Well


                                                                              C LASS 8 CH-3 Introduction Before the British established themselves as the colonial rulers in India,  self sufficient.  They were governed by a village panchayat that would look after the administration And resolve disputes.   The villages would pay the land revenue to the king that was collected by an official who was an integral part of the village administration. During the Mughal period the land was assessed and Taxes were implemented accordingly. Revenue system under the British After establishing the rule the main aim of the British was to ensure our study source of income.  in order to realise this aim the British introduced Three Types of land revenue system in different parts of our country- Permanent settlement or zamindari system, Ryotwari System And mahalwari system. Permanent settlement The permanent settlement was introduced by Lord Cornwallis in Bengal.   zamindars were responsible to Collect